
Monday, March 24, 2014

A woman stuck in a bathroom for 3 years, saved by Google Maps! MUST READ!

A woman, trapped in her bathroom for three years, was saved by a keen user of Google maps.

Madeline Quads was surfing the net, looking at random roofs of houses in the midwest, when she noticed something suspicious. "I was just perusing when I noticed what looked like a head sticking out of a window. I zoomed in closer, and sure enough, there she was."

Apparently a Mrs. Puerto was locked in the bathroom for three years. "I was doing just fine, thank you" she told reporters. "I was free from having to cook for my deadbeat husband and looser son all the time. Go srew yourself, google user, you (expletive)!" At this, she flipped the reporters off and ran inside. 

An examination of the house revealed it to be in shambles, with rotting food everywhere and completely un-vaccumed carpets. However, the bathroom where Mrs. Puerto was locked in was spotless, and stocked with over 20 years worth of food. It was last reported that she was attempting to set up a bunker in the basement. Good work, Google users. We are really making a difference in this world!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

UPDATE! More crazy facts about stars you didn't know!

Earlier this month, we here at QLS posted an article full of fascinating facts about your favorite stars-We wanted to update you with just a few more facts we found fascinating!

1. Joaquin Phoenix never poops, due to the fact that he smashes every toilet he sees out of anger.

2. Andy Samberg suffers from what is called "Were-poop", meaning his poop can only manifest itself during a full moon.

3. Eminem, in an interview with GQ, said that his songs "Lose Yourself" and "Not Afraid" were based off of times he spent pooping.

4. Seth Rogen poops... but I guess that's not a surprise. I mean, this guy really doesn't have much shame. So... We're not shocked.

5. Chris Hemsworth poops.
Also, his poop literally has muscles.

6. Robert Pattinson's poop sparkles.

7 things men need to do to make women happy! MUST READ!

1. Be manly and strong.

2. But not too strong. Be sensitive too.

3. Don't be clingy.

4. But don't not spend all your time with her. 

5. Be nice. Girls like you being nice.

6. But don't be really nice, cause that get's boring. Make sure to be sorta a bad boy, like the kinda guy who smokes, rides a harley and has tattoos, but don't do those things, 'cause they're gross. 

7. Actually, just be Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. Because their relationship was freakin' perfect in every way. And he's so damn good looking! Why can't you look like him? Come on, is perfection too much to ask? Gosh.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Sport your QLS pride with these nifty pins! 

Aren't they adorable?

This girl crashed her dad's car on purpose, but I'm on her side...

Crashing your dad's car is not an action anyone should take pride in. However, the exception to this is 17 year old Ashley Blake, who's actions, rather than being careless, were a heroic stand for her rights.

It all started December 14, 2014, when Ashley's millionaire dad told her she, "...Could not drop out of high school to go live with those damn hippies!" Upon hearing that her God-given rights to go live with her drug addicted hippie friends in the woods were being encroached upon, she promptly took the keys to her dad's 2014 Lexus, called up her boyfriend, and after driving donuts in the parking lot for about half an hour, crashed it into a light pole. "This is just a warning," Says Ashley, sipping a caramel Frappuccino while a medical team checks her for any injuries. "I could have gone for the Rolly Roice, or whatever it's called. Like, if my daddy tries to tell my how to live my life again, he's gonna get it."

Last we heard, Ashley was currently being held against her will in her own home, under the pretense of "being grounded." Keep standing for your rights Ashley!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Take that Quiz! Which Gravity Character are you? *SPOILERS*

Out of the massive cast of the Oscar® nominated film, which character would float your tin can? Take this quiz to see who you'd be!

Now for the Results!

Make sure to share your results with all your friends with Facebook!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

11 surprising facts about stars that you probably need to know...

We all love our stars don't we? We love to watch them smile. We love to watch them pretend to be someoneWe love to see what they've eaten via instagram. We love to watch them as they slowly lose their own humanity to the pressures of fame-but how much do we really know about them? Here are 11 surprising facts about your favorite stars!

1. Benedict Cumberbatch Poops.

2. Rooney Mara Poops.

3. Bradley Cooper is gorgeous.
Also, he poops.

4. Robert De Niro Poops.

5. Daniel Day Lewis poops in character.

6. Ewan McGregor poops.

7. Jennifer Lawrence really wants you to know she poops.

8. Christian Bale poops. 
However, he did not poop while making any of the Batman movies. Because Batman doesn't poop.

9. Jessica Chastain poops.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio literally poops gold.
Except at the Oscars.

11. Sufjan Stevens poo... oh forget it. No one knows who this guy is. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

25 ways to get inspired for life! Must read!

1. Wake up late.

2. Decide to take the day for your own self fulfillment. I mean, you're more than just a working drone, right?

3. Drink crappy coffee and maybe start cooking eggs, only to realize you don't have eggs, then settle for Lucky Charms.

4. Decide to go read a good book. Start with something really difficult like War and Peace or The Brothers Karamazov. Dedicate that day to reading the whole thing.

5. Realize you can only really read if you go to a coffee shop. Don't forget to bring your computer in case you need to do extra research.

6. Think about biking; then realize your bike is sorta crappy, so you can't bike till you get a new one. Drive instead

7. Make sure to buy a really fancy drink, like a Macchiato or a Cappuccino. Then when you see how small the mug is, order a Frappuccino on the side. You've got a long day of self actualization ahead of you-treat yourself.

8. Sit down in a comfy spot. Open your book and then set it on the table next to you. Open your laptop; there is no need to rush things.

9. Get on Facebook. Only to see if there's been anything important happening in your friends lives, of course.

10. Click on a link to an unbelievable video.

11-23. Read UpWorthy for the next five hours.*

24. Go home and think really hard about making a healthy dinner. Settle for frozen pizza instead.

25. Kick on the TV and reflect on how productive your day felt, regardless of what actually happened. Praise yourself for your ingenuity as a human.

*this step is essential to your inspiration. I mean, how else would you restore your faith in humanity, which is only dwindling because you realize how lazy you actually are. However, it is so much nicer to say you are "Losing your faith in humanity" and not "I am disheartened that I have been a lazy ass".**

**It really is. Ask any middle-class American mother; ass is not a nice word

Monday, March 3, 2014