
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

7 things men need to do to make women happy! MUST READ!

1. Be manly and strong.

2. But not too strong. Be sensitive too.

3. Don't be clingy.

4. But don't not spend all your time with her. 

5. Be nice. Girls like you being nice.

6. But don't be really nice, cause that get's boring. Make sure to be sorta a bad boy, like the kinda guy who smokes, rides a harley and has tattoos, but don't do those things, 'cause they're gross. 

7. Actually, just be Ryan Gosling from The Notebook. Because their relationship was freakin' perfect in every way. And he's so damn good looking! Why can't you look like him? Come on, is perfection too much to ask? Gosh.

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